
On WIMS, a Class is the main structure. Each class contains its own Users, Sheets, Exercises and Exams.


To get a Class instance, you have two possibility. You can either create a new instance, or get one from the WIMS server.

To create a new instance, you'll need an User to use as a supervisor.

from wimsapi import Class, User

user = User("quser", "lastname", "firstname", "password", "")
c = Class("rclass", "Title", "Institution", "", "password", user)

Note: The quser of the User used to create the supervisor does not matter, it will be overwritten with "supervisor" as soon as the class is saved.

Class can also take a lot of optionnal argument:

Class(rclass, name, institution, email, password, supervisor, qclass=None, lang="en", expiration=None, limit=30, level="H4", secure='all', bgcolor='', refcolor='', css='')


  • rclass - (str) identifier of the class on the sending server.
  • name - (str) name of the class.
  • institution - (str) name of the institution.
  • email - (str) contact email address.
  • password - (str) password for user registration.
  • supervisor - (wimsapi.user.User) An WIMS user instance representing the supervisor.
  • qclass - (int) identifier of the class on the receiving server.
  • lang - (str) class language (en, fr, es, it, etc).
  • expiration - (str) class expiration date (yyyymmdd, defaults to one year later).
  • limit - (str) limit of number of participants (defaults to 30).
  • level - (str) level of the class (defaults to H4) Valid levels: E1, E2, ..., E6, H1, ..., H6, U1, ..., U5, G, R
  • secure - (str) secure hosts.
  • bgcolor - (str) page background color.
  • refcolor - (str) menu background color.
  • css - (str) css file (must be existing css on the WIMS server)."""

if provided, qclass will be the identifier of the newly created WIMS class when this instance is saved. The identifier is randomly chosen by the WIMS server if qclass is not provided.

To get an instance from the WIMS server, you can use the class method :

Class.get(url, ident, passwd, qclass, rclass)

Where :

  • url is the url to the WIMS server's cgi (eg.
  • ident and password are credentials as defined in [WIMS_HOME]/log/classes/.connections/ (see configuration)
  • qclass is the ID of the class on the WIMS server (name of the directory corresponding to the class in [WIMS_HOME]/log/classes/[ID])
  • rclass the identifier corresponding to the class (again, see configuration).


Any changes made to a Class instance can be reflected on the WIMS server with the method save() :

from wimsapi import Class
c = Class.get("", "myself", "toto", 9999, "myclass")
c.institution = "Another institution"

If the Class has been instantiated through its constructor, and not with Class.get() method, and has not been saved yet, you will need to provide the server's url, ident, and passwd (see configuration) :

c = Class("myclass", "Title", "Institution", "", "password",  user)"", "myself", "toto")
c.institution = "Another institution"

Reloading an instance

To reflect server-side changes on an instance of Class, use refresh() :

c = Class(9999, "myclass", "Title", "Institution", "", "password",  supervisor)"", "myself", "toto")

c2 = Class.get("", "myself", "toto", 9999, "myclass")

c.institution = "Another institution"

c2.institution # "Institution"
c2.institution # "Another institution"


To delete an already saved Class, simply use delete():

c = Class.get("", "myself", "toto", 9999, "myclass")

List classes of a server

You can obtain the list of every classes of a server using a particular rclass with : Class.list(url, ident, passwd, rclass)

Class.list("", "myself", "toto", "myclass")

More Data

Once the Class has been saved you can acceed the additionnal fields ident, passwd, url and infos :

c = Class(999999, "myclass", "Title", "Institution", "", "password",  user)"", "myself", "toto")
c.ident # "myself"
c.passwd # "toto"
c.url # ""
# {
#     'query_class': '999999', 'rclass': 'myclass', 'password': 'password',
#     'creator': '', 'secure': 'all', 'external_auth': '',
#     'mixed_external_auth': '', 'cas_auth': '', 'php_auth': '',
#     'authidp': '', 'supervisor': 'Firstname Lastname',
#     'description': 'Title', 'institution': 'Institution', 'lang': 'en',
#     'email': '', 'expiration': '20191127', 'limit': '30',
#     'topscores': '', 'superclass': '', 'type': '0', 'level': 'H4',
#     'parent': '', 'typename': 'class', 'bgcolor': '', 'bgimg': '',
#     'scorecolor': '#ffffff, #ff0000, #ff0000, #ff0000, #ffa500, #ffa500,
#         #fff500, #d2ff00, #b9ff00, #2fc42f, #259425',
#     'css': '-theme-', 'logo': '', 'logoside': '', 'refcolor': '',
#     'ref_menucolor': '', 'ref_button_color': '', 'ref_button_bgcolor': '',
#     'ref_button_help_color': '', 'ref_button_help_bgcolor': '',
#     'theme': 'standard', 'theme_icon': '', 'sendmailteacher': '', 
#     'connections': '+myself/myclass+  ', 'creation': '20181127',
#     'userlist': [''], 'usercount': '0', 'examcount': '0', 'sheetcount': '0'
# }


Class has 4 methods allowing it to interact with its User, Sheets, Exercises and Exams.

Add an item

You can add an item with the method additem(item), where item is an instance of User, Sheets, Exercises or Exams.

c = Class.get("", "myself", "toto", 9999, "myclass")
user = User("quser", "lastname", "firstname", "password", "")

Get an item

You can retrieve an item with the method getitem(identifier, cls), where cls is the python class User, Sheets, Exercises or Exams, and identifier it's ID on the WIMS class.

c = Class.get("", "myself", "toto", 9999, "myclass")
user = User("quser", "lastname", "firstname", "password", "")
u = c.getitem("quser", User)

Delete an item

You can delete an item from a WIMS class with the method delitem(item, cls=None). Item must be either an instance of User, Sheets, Exercises or Exams ; or string. If item is a string, cls must be provided and be the corresponding python class.

c = Class.get("", "myself", "toto", 9999, "myclass")
user = User("quser", "lastname", "firstname", "password", "")

# OR
c.delitem("quser", User)

Check if an item is in the class

You can check if an item is in a WIMS class with the method checkitem(item, cls=None). Item must be either an instance of User, Sheets, Exercises, Exams, or string. If item is a string, cls must be provided and be the corresponding python class.

This method returns True if the item is present in the WIMS class, False otherwise.

c = Class.get("", "myself", "toto", 9999, "myclass")
user = User("quser", "lastname", "firstname", "password", "")
unknown = User("unknown", "lastname", "firstname", "password", "")

c.checkitem(user) # True
c.checkitem(unknown) # False
# OR
c.checkitem("quser", User) # True
c.checkitem("unknown", User) # False

You can also use item in class operator, where item is an instance of User, Sheets, Exercises or Exams.

user in c # True
unknown in c # False

List items of a class

You can list every item in a WIMS class with the method listitem(cls). cls must be the python's class corresponding to the item to be listed.

This method returns a list of instances of cls.

c = Class.get("", "myself", "toto", 9999, "myclass")
users = c.listitem(User)
sheets = c.listitem(Sheet)